Wanna Work Together? Get to Know More About Working With Me as Your Coach…
Picture this…
✨ You have secured the new location for your future salon and have a roadmap to opening
✨ You decided to become an independent stylist and found the perfect fit for your future
✨ You have elevated your client experience and have a pricing structure to support this
✨ You wake up every day feeling ready to take on the day, living in the energy of ease- you get out of bed, grab your journal and coffee, start the day with amazing intentions, move in a way that feels good to you, and get started in your day, loving your schedule and the guests you interact with.
✨ You look around and see all that the world around you has to offer and you feel gratitude for the life you get to live.
Sound crazy? Maybe? But entirely possible!
Be intentional about your time for rest and selfcare + all the other responsibilities that come with being the CEO of your life!
I am proof that it can be real...
Just a few years ago, I was so exhausted and working so hard I could barely lift my arm over my head. Physical pain, long hours and no time for myself was the norm. I couldn’t see my way past the next day in front of me. Enter COVID and time to re-evaluate my current situation. Change was necessary and I was ready, but I had no idea where to start.
I made the decision to invest in working with coaches who combined mindset work and strategy and I was on the road to change. The work wasn’t always easy, but having someone in my corner to help me navigate the new life I was seeking was invaluable.
I felt so deeply that I wanted my career and personal life to look different but I needed someone to open up my world to the possibilities that. Mindset work, breathwork, shadow work, self reflection and intentional inspired action were the focus of those following months and years.
Fast forward to today, I am the co-owner of an amazing salon with the best independent stylist team, working a curated schedule that works for me. I have carved out intentional time for rest and self care that supports my physical and mental health. I continue to seek support to further my growth as a multifaceted salon owner and coach.

How do you know it is time for a coach?
If you are someone who feels stuck in their current situation, is in a continuous loop of frustrating behaviors and finds it hard to implement change, coaching can be just the thing to jumpstart your future! You know you are meant for more, but just can’t seem to get out of your own way. You can see the future but need someone to help lay the roadmap to get there, so the next step is to make the leap and work with a coach.
The real truth is that
As a beauty industry entrepreneur, the reality is that there is NOT NEARLY ENOUGH SUPPORT FOR WHAT WE ARE EXPECTED TO BE AND DO FOR PEOPLE. So, making the choice to work with a coach is the best gift you can give yourself and your future!
What will working together look like?
We will identify the areas of focus for the most impactful change and create a plan that feels good for you. We will dive deep into the roadblocks you are currently facing and identify the mindset tools needed to lay the foundation for the changes you are ready to see. We will outline the areas where you are seeking out growth and create small actionable steps to take you further down the road to success, whatever that means to you: building out a new business, making changes in your current career, or just living a more vibrant life that lets you breathe.

Lock & Hue Salon
3300 Clipper Mill Road
Baltimore, MD 21211

Lauren's Salon Availability
Tuesday - Friday
Hours Vary